Books, Planning, Publishing, Publishing - comparing options, Writers Journey

Book publishing pathways – an explanation

Are you as confused about the different paths to publishing as I am? This guide by Jane Friedman ( is a good start. I must admit that I have seen a number of publishers in Australia describe themselves as "publishing partners" when they really seem to be 'agent assisted self publishers'. You can download a… Continue reading Book publishing pathways – an explanation

Book Love, Books, Children's Books, editing, incorporating feedback into your work, Mysteries, pitching my novel, Planning, Publications, Publishing Readiness Dysmorphia, Random Thoughts, Receiving feedback, Rejection, Sarah Jackson, update, Writers Journey

Panic editing, pitching and other messy processes.

I am bang, smack in the middle of rewriting (and I mean rewriting) my cosy mystery story. I received some exceedingly valuable feedback from an agent about this piece, and what it needs to reach a marketable point. Scary advice - but once I stopped sulking, and really looked it, I realised that she was… Continue reading Panic editing, pitching and other messy processes.