Junior Fiction

Pete and the Persian Bottle is the story of nine-year-old Peter (Pete) Bartlett, an average boy, whose biggest wish is to stand out in a crowd, and not feel like the world’s biggest loser anymore.

While scavenging for go-cart parts in a rubbish skip, Pete comes across a curious looking bottle. When he opens the bottle, he releases a long-trapped genie. Eager to get his three wishes, Pete pushes the genie into making him special. The genie turns Pete into a rat, and then, after being frightened by noises from the computer, disappears out the window.

Pete must find a way to convince his friends that he is real and not just a rat. He and his friends then need to enlist the help of new Muslim student, Naseem, locate the missing genie and come up with a plan to set everything right, all the while avoiding lizards, dogs, cats, adults and the local thugs.

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